Saturday, July 30, 2011

doing all things with thanks to God in mind

The spiritual dimension of me is probably the main thing that has kept me through these years and even now. I was thinking today that everyday I wake up sane, or as old people used to say "clothed in my right mind", is a blessing from God. Everything else is gravy. It will be this way until I die. (I am not planning to get that sick again.)

Think about it. How many people are blessed enough to come out of and survive 25 years of psychosis, paranoia and delusion? I'm not bragging, I'm just saying, I lived in insanity. It was what it was. And now I give the thanks to whom it's due.

Now, it's so nice to just sit by myself in my apartment and listen to the quiet. My mind was never quiet for those years except in sleep. So, listening to the quiet is a real blessing.

To go to a job I like and believe in is a blessing. Imagine, I get to encourage and support fellow peers as they journey into wellness. And, the job is as good in theory as it is in actuality.

So, I thank God, from whom all blessings flow. And I trust in the Lord, leaning not to my own understanding. I acknowledge Him in every way and He directs my path. I cast my burdens on the Lord, and lose my care.

This is my personal truth.

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