Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the passing of a warrior

Recovery and wellness are always threatened by change. A sudden death in the family is the worst kind of change to have to experience. My uncle passed very suddenly. Everyone was in shock for days, including me. This poem is my tribute to him. He passed on Thursday, October 27, 2011. This is for my Uncle Luck.

the poem is a remix because the first poem I wrote on the night of his death at 11:00pm when I found out, was fueled with anger and shock. I still can't believe that I'll never see him again.

the passing of a warrior (remix)

and God said

well done my good and



come home

and the servant knew

it was God’s Will

and the family of the servant knew

it was God’s Will

and so did the friends

as they assembled to celebrate

the life that was…

he was mama’s black sugar

                      mary’s luck

                                    our family’s joy


was the smile

that never ended

he was my  uncle

i always marveled at the union between my aunt and uncle

‘cause between the two

they had it covered

and they would tell you

in no uncertain terms

we got it covered

at the news of uncle sonny’s passing

i was angry

had to put on some coltrane

‘cause he was just that melodious and complex

a man who could pray the walls down

a deacon

not sanctimonious

not pious

a joker

but he fed his family

and everyone loved him

‘cause he was cool with it

a cat

unlike the jazz musicians you’ve ever  heard

and we can’t let the fact of his passing

steal the joy for us he will always be

i don’t

want to look

in the casket


as far as I’m concerned

i will always see him standing


callin me jack-jack

with a joke to share/and some knowledge to impart…


to show thyself approved

a workman that needeth not be ashamed

rightly dividing the Word of Truth

rightly dividing the Word of Truth

rightly dividing the Word


now we know

we don’t know the day or the time

but must always be ready

to answer the

Lord’s Call

-your niece, jacquese

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